Thursday, March 15, 2012

... Move over Glossybox ... it's Shatter me Claire ... in a box ...

COUNTDOWN TIL NO MORE ENTRIES!!! <--- Ooh timer removed as it was glitching!! Having a mid Franken-March breather today ... only a few more hours to get those submissions in to be in the running for a great competition prize!! So if you haven't entered already then what do you have to lose? Go for it! I've added a ticker to count down and hopefully that will work in each timezone *fingers crossed*  I'm accepting until the 14th has clicked over in every timezone. Anyway - for the last few months I've brought to you the contents of various sample boxes and this month I thought I'd go head to head with them to see if I can buy a better box by just heading to the local shopping mall with $15.

Ooh - funny coloured plastic money!!

Right - so armed with my $15 I headed out with a few rules.
#1 - I had to buy a minimum of 5 items
#2 - I had to buy things that were discounted/on sale
#3 - I had to buy things that I would actually use or really wanted to try
#4 - I could buy anything beauty or items that I had received in previous boxes
#5 - I had to get as close to $15 as possible without going over budget.

So ... let's go shopping! I'll admit I had a ball. Rummaging through clearance bins. Looking for items on sale. Comparing items store to store. Like the boxes ... I had no idea on what I was going to get! The hardest part was staying on budget. I saw a lot of gorgeous items but it would have put me way over budget if I'd purchased them all.

Here's what I ended up with ...
Fruit and Nut Picnic [on nom nom]  - $1.00 [was $1.80]
Lipton English Breakfast Tea Bags - $2.11 [was $3.67]
Face of Australia Polish Remover - 93c [was $3.93]
Pomegranate and Grapefruit Bath Bomb - 99c [was $3.99]
Lemon and Lime Bath Bomb - 99c [was $3.99]
Lux Body Wash Tahitian Escape - $2.99 [was $5.49]
Face of Australia Polish in Angel Baby - $2.90 [was $6.45]
Peel off Masque - $2.99 [was $3.98]

Total Spent - $14.90
Total Full Price Value - $33.30
Total Savings - $18.40

I'm quite pleased with myself and I definitely managed to hit all 5 of the criteria I set myself and at least I know that this time my $15 has gone towards products I'll actually use! That delicious picnic has already gone ... mmmmmmmm!

If you have the time I highly recommend trying this for yourself. Pick a mall that has a lot of selection and go for it! I'd love to see what you end up with!


  1. I love your Shatter me Claire in a box, might have to try that. What annoys me about my glossy box, is when I get the review email and see the products other people got and realise I got the worse crappy ones in the whole list.

    Looking forward to being inspired by everyones frankens.

  2. This is a great idea! I've never gotten Glossy Box, I think I'd rather a Shatter Me Claire Box! :)

  3. Haha this is so cute, and looks like great fun! I love that body wash :)

    I feel the same as Cat haha! I'd prefer if they sent me a list anecdote i could tick the ones I want, and it would tell me if I went over the price limit...

  4. oooh, send me a Claire box anytime!

  5. I would use all those products! damn you Glossy Box! I'd trade any day haha Not so sure i'm looking forward to this months... might be my last. I'd love to try something like you have instead. Great idea!

  6. what a clever idea I love this! I have a giveaway on my blog if you'd like to enter :-)

  7. What a great idea. Actually that would be a fun way to organise a swap as well, although it would add postage cost into the equation. It would be interesting to see what other people could pick up localy as well. :D

    You should do a vlog youtube video on it, then other people could post their video responses with their own boxes. /end of youtube addiction/ :D

  8. Nice work! More hit than miss, as some of the sample boxes can be.


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