Saturday, April 21, 2012

... Face of Australia Barbados - Bright Lights, Pink City ...

Face of Australia Barbados - Bright Lights, Pink City
Purchased from Big W [again $3 off sale! Get there!!!]
Firstly bare with me today ... I'm struggling with the change that is the new Blogger interface. I'm sure it'll grow on me but being sleep deprived and ill means I don't have the patience for new things.

Out of all the colours in the range I was unsure about this one. I dunno why as I generally love pink, maybe it was because of how fluro it looks but I definitely changed my mind once I was wearing it. Anyway "Bright Lights, Pink City" is a bright neon pink but with a beautiful golden shimmer throughout.

This is 3 coats and unfortunately there is visible nail line. I'm sure that could be sorted out with a nude as a base coat but it didn't bother me as much as it does with other colours. Also like Calypso Gold it was super fast drying. I'm ashamed to say that I painted them in the local Westfield last night while waiting for a friend to appear and I was expecting horror results as I generally end up with a mess of polish if I try and do them in a rush as it doesn't dry and then I smudge it everywhere *sad* but wow! It was awesome.
** Final Verdict **
I love a polish that surprises you by appearing a lot more fantastic than you thought it would. If you are a fan of pink or something that's super bright then you may wanna give this one a try.


  1. This was my pick of the collection! Love it!

  2. I love the name! I'm a big fan of pinks with gold shimmer, but this is a bit too bright for me I think. The new Blogger freaks me out too!

  3. oooh, think I might have to pick this one up!


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