Tuesday, April 24, 2012

... Face of Australia Barbados - Let's Go Scuba Diving ...

Face of Australia Barbados - Let's Go Scuba Diving
Available from Big W
I've been having a bit of a green streak lately. So many pretty shades of wonder! Anyway this is bound to be another favourite.

Let's Go Scuba Diving is a beautiful metallic green with a green shimmer just to add more magnificence to it! As with all the other colours it's fast drying and after yesterdays fun it was great to have a non-stinky polish back on my fingers!

The only downfall I could find is like most greens it isn't friendly towards cuticles so please apply with care. Apart from that - it's gorgeous!!

** Final Verdict **
Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Before I go ... if anyone wishes to be Facebook friends please leave a message or email me! I don't bite! In recent weeks I've found this most useful in getting info on sales and deals that otherwise I may have overlooked!


  1. Weird this looks blue to me. I spent hours yesterday calibrating my monitors and now they're both showing this as blue, 2 different blues but both blue. Of course the family all think I'm blue/green colour blind anyway so maybe it's my eyes and not the monitors. It is a pretty blue though, on the left hand monitor :P
    You can friend me if you want :)

  2. Looks green on my computer :) I put a swatch of this same polish on my blog only 1/2 an hour ago. It really is a stunner. Lasted alost 4 days on me! Amazing!

  3. @Rebecca - My iPhone shows it more as a blue aswell. How interesting.

  4. It's stunning. I haven't seen this one around and now I can see why. It's such an awesome colour!

  5. Want!! *puts on weekend Big W list*


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