Friday, April 27, 2012

... Face of Australia Barbados - I Like To Mauve It ...

Face of Australia Barbados - I Like To Mauve It
Available from Big W, Priceline, Kmart
So here is another beauty from the Barbados range. I'm quite impressed with this one and who doesn't love a purple shimmer? I guess I would have preferred a less cliched name but what can you do? It's extremely pretty regardless of it's title.

"I Like To Mauve It" is as you'd expect. A mauve. It's a very pretty purple even though my swatches seem to have taken on a pink tone. This is 3 coats and while I did have issues on my thumb I am pretty sure that was purely because of my impatience as the other fingers were fast drying. Again no lumps or bumps but just pure awesomeness.
** Final Verdict **
Up there with my favourite colours from the collection!

1 comment:

  1. Ver pretty colour I cant believe I missed this one while in big w, I must walked passed it but after seeing it swatched it looks so pretty


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