Monday, April 2, 2012

... FrankenMarch Glitter Gal Winner ...

Attempt 2 ... Well that was annoying!! >:( Damn you Blogger! Eating my posts!!!

Anyway ... yet again I'm here to announce the winner of the FrankenMarch Franken competition. I was really impressed by the high number of entries and the quality of them all. Wow!

I'd like to take this moment to say thank you to everyone who participated in FrankenMarch whether it was writing a blog post, making a polish or just for casting a vote. Thank you so so so much.

In the end it was a seriously close race but there can only be one winner and that person was Karine with her wonderfully awesome polish Black Galaxy.


If you didn't win please don't be sad - be super happy as you definitely put a smile to my face for weeks! Also many people said that they were disappointed to only vote for one polish and that's just a testament to how brilliant they all were.

I'm sure it's still floating around on dashboard feeds after Blogger kindly decided to post ahead of time but there is a Giveaway starting tomorrow so I'd love to see you all back and entering! Can't wait


  1. Thank you so much to all of you who voted! Thanks Claire for this contest it was so fun :)

  2. Congrats Karine! :) I had fun making my franken for the comp :)

  3. congrats,hun!
    the franken contest was fun!


Thanks for the comments - they always make me feel loved :)

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