Sunday, May 13, 2012

... Face of Australia Barbados - Party At The Gap ...

Face of Australia Barbados - Party At The Gap
Available from Big W, Priceline, Kmart - $4.95AU
Finally the last one in this beautiful series. This is Party At The Gap and it's a beautiful shimmery charcoal. It took me forever to work out what this actually reminded me of and I ended up deciding it reminded me of art class back in high school. Something about the colour of graphite pencils ... hmmm ... memories!!

This is 3 coats and really I could have got away with just using 2. It's fast drying and everything I expected from the other colours in this series.
** Final Verdict **
I was expecting a lot from this collection and while I don't rate it as highly as the Molten Metallics collection from last year it still is up there. Plenty of variety for everyone. The only thing I didn't find is that it didn't stamp as well as I would have liked it too but that doesn't mean it's going to the swap pile. Definitely going to be ones to keep!

1 comment:

  1. Such a gorgeous colour! And I really like how much depths it has


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