Monday, May 21, 2012

... Me Me Me Cosmetics - Elegant ....

MeMeMe Cosmetics - Elegant
Available from MeMeMe Cosmetics - $12.95 AUD
I won this recently in a competition from the Me Me Me Cosmetics Australia Facebook page and I'm super glad it came my way as it's awesome and I'm not sure it would have come my way otherwise.

Elegant is from their Metallic collection it is a beautiful golden foil. I originally though it was going to be close to piCture pOlish Goldfinger hence the post yesterday but I'll do a comparison at the end so you can see how it's not anywhere alike. While it's definitely gold it's more of a cool gold tone than the vibrant gold in Goldfinger.
Definitely shiny!

This is 3 coats and honestly you could get away with just 2. While it shows brushstrokes it's still extremely pretty. It reminds me of C3PO from Star Wars - gold and shiny! I would highly suggest using a ridge filler before using this just to make sure you don't get any extra streaks but considering the streak marks I usually get using foils I was quite impressed. It was surprisingly fast drying between coats aswell

Whoops - my middle nail looks a bit unattractive here!

Now this polish has quite a thick brush which really helps with getting a great application. It's not as wide as some that I have hiding in my helmer but it's definitely nothing to be overlooked as it really does help cut down those pesky brushmarks that may appear.

Random ... does anyone else get pinky/red fingers in cold weather?? Surely it's not just me.

** Final Verdict **
While this is a beautiful polish that requires little effort to look gorgeous it is definitely not a long lasting polish. After doing household jobs I already had scratches and dents to ruin the perfect shiny finish. If that's not worrying you then I'd look into this collection and give it a whirl!

Now as promised here it is compared to piCture pOlish Goldfinger ...
So as you can see they are no way similar. Goldfinger is still beautifully gold ... but Elegant is more of a metal looking colour.
I'm trying out a new camera today so feedback is appreciated if you have time to leave a comment!! I've decided rather than just taking the plunge and buying one I'd play around with friends and family members cameras [well those who have newer cameras!] and see which photographs the best and work from there! Thanks in advance!

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