Monday, June 11, 2012

... Butter London - Lillibet's Jubilee ...

Hey Howdy Hey Readers :)

I've had some well deserved time off lately and squeezed in a vacation so I'm back and ready for some loving! I'll hopefully have some vacation pics and nails for you soon!!

As you would have gathered from the giveaway in the last post - I've hit my first blogversary. I can't believe a year has passed so quickly. I have met so many extremely beautiful people over the past year and I thank you!  It has been a major learning curve and it's given me a creative outlet.

Butter London - Lillibet's Jubilee
Purchased from the Butter London website - $14 USD
[Aussies ... They don't ship here *sad* I had ask someone to ship it to me]

I recently got my hands on this beautiful Butter London that was named for the Queens Diamond Jubilee and with the Jubilee celebrations last week and it being the Queens Birthday public holiday here today this seems rather appropriate.
This is a beautiful purple and silver combo that makes a fantastic foil polish. It really does depend on how you look at this one to whether it shows silver or a light purple. The little glitter pieces sparkle even without direct sunlight and you could seriously get away with a single coat for it! Wow!!
And showing the purple ... which my camera hated to pic up. It is totally not like this in real life. Promise!!
** Final Verdict **
Pretty polish for a grand occasion. I definitely have no issues recommending this as it's exceptionally beautiful and the fact you could get away with a single coat is a plus for those days when you are rushing out the door with limited time on your hands.

I'll leave you with a picture that's doing the rounds of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. How much of a stunner was she back in the day! Regardless of what your personal opinions of the Royal Family are - 60 years in the same job deserves some credit. Prince Philip just makes me laugh as he generally seems to blurt out what everyone is thinking. I'm sure when I'm his age I'd want to do that aswell!
[Anyone know where this pic originated? I'd love to give it some proper credit. I know it was featured in Vanity Fair but I'm unsure if they nabbed it from somewhere ... Ta!]


  1. You can get Butter London from this site! It goes on sale every now and again :)
    I think you might have to make an account though

  2. Awesome. I'll definitely check it out! Cheers Cindy :)


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