Sunday, April 22, 2012

... Face of Australia Barbados - You Blue Me Away ...

Face of Australia Barbados - You Blue Me Away
Available from selected stores such as Big W, Priceline and Kmart
Unlike the Sally Hansen polish with the similar name ... this is a blue metallic with silver shimmer polish and for some reason it keeps reminding me of the colour periwinkle. I'm not sure that's what I'd accurately describe it as but it keeps popping back into my mind.

As it's becoming a trend with this range - it's super fast drying and there were no unwanted lumps or bumps. I found the silver shimmer in this so friendly towards any ridges or imperfections in your nails. It just covered that right up! It also dried super smooth and I found it quite sturdy against those housework jobs without resorting to chipping. I'll be trying this one next time I head to the chlorine infested pool to see if it'll survive the ultimate test.
** Final Verdict **
I can see this polish being one of my favourites in the future. It's a beautiful colour and those silver flecks just make it something different. Also I was expecting removal to be painful but I was pleasantly surprised that it just came straight off. Definitely my fave polish of the collection so far!

[edit] OK did anyone else laugh immaturely at the link for this post ... no? It's just me with the humour of a 13 year old then!


  1. This is such a lovely colour! I actually managed to see this one person but passed on it. Totally regret that decision now.

  2. Beautiful polish, I might have to find this one and your nails look amazing at the moment too!

  3. @Mgiandzi - It's awesome isn't it!

    @Olgiepolgie - Hopefully you'll be able to get your hands on it. Well worth it!

    @Kitties26 - Thanks mate :) And yeah it's definitely worth getting your hands on!


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