Monday, March 24, 2014

... AN Monday - China Glaze LOL ...

Hoorah! Another Aussie Nail Monday coming at ya. Today's theme is "Your oldest to you polish". Now I thought hard about this as I have some old polishes but I thought I'd share again one of the ones that brought me back to the world of nail polish.

It's Christmas, It's 2010, I had only just started to polish my nails again after a long long long break (and buy polishing I mean just that, no nail or anything fancy! Just polish) and I received this gorgeous package from Reece over at Spit and Polish that contained 4 China Glaze polishes, He's going in circles, OMG, TMI and LOL and a note that said "You Need These".

She was right. So right! Without Reece I highly doubt I would have ever started this blog or gotten back into nails. I've told my wallet many times over the years to blame her! But even after all that she is still as awesome as ever!

So Sparkle. Such Fun. Many Rainbow. Very Shiny. Wow. You can really see how I got sucked back in with the beauty of this polish. Holographic polishes were not as common as they are now and I had never ever seen one but this just took my breath away and with that I was hooked!

These shots are 3 coats of LOL with Seche Vite as a top coat in full sun. There is an instant rainbow on each finger like a good holo should!

If you are desperately now after LOL, the sad news is that it's hard to find as it's long been discontinued. It does pop up from time to time on eBay or blogsales but be prepared to fork out a bit of money for it. Something like Dance Legend Cosmic Rainbow might be able to help pass the time while you wait though!

Wanna see more Aussie Nails? Check out these links or check out #anmonday on Instagram!

Lily Jinks - @lilyandjinks
Ann - Nailovelogy
Tracy - @oliviajade19
Holly - @nails_by_holly
Naomi - @nadeekay and Nananaisnails
Erin Wu -  @erinzi and Erin Zi’s Nails
Astrid - @lovessweetas
Sarah Claire - @shattermeclaire or Shatter me Claire
Sylvie - @smudgedpolish
Tammy - @ohmygoshpolish
Christinemay - @xtinemayyy or Nails at 2am
Tash Birch - @tashisdead
Briana -


  1. So pretty! I need to wear this again!! It's been....years!

  2. Gorgeous! I wish I had gotten these shades when they came out.


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