Sunday, February 23, 2014

... Celestial Cosmetics - LE February 2014 ...

The fantastic Nicki over at Celestial Cosmetics has made a limited edition polish for February and it's gorgeous! It's simply called LE February 2014 and it's a stunner! As you can tell from the name, it's a limited edition and it's only available from Celestial during February, so if this grabs your fancy, get on it this week before it's gone forever!!!

It's an awesome chocolately brown scattered holo. Mmmmm Chocolate! *homer drool* I think it's a fantastic colour and the holo appears extremely bright.  All these swatches are 2 coats with top coat in full sun.

The closest colour I can find in my collection is Emily de Mollys Ground Control but they are definitely not the same shade of brown and then there's the fact that the EdM is a linear holo.  I always love finding a shade of holo that I don't already own! YAY!

And because I couldn't resist ... DOMO!!!!

I thought he suited this fantastic colour and I thought of him as soon as I put it on. I've reverse stamped the domo outline from the excellent FUN 11 plate. So simple and so effective! LOVE!

So, if this grabbed your attention, get yourself over to Celestial Cosmetics now and get yourself one of these beauties! If you are outside of Australia and want one desperately, please email Nicki or myself and I'm sure we can work something out for you!

Polishes were provided for review but all opinions, Aussie humour and dodgy photography are my own!

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