Sunday, June 12, 2011

... Picture Polish - Heavy Metal ...

Picture Polish - Heavy Metal
Purchased from - $9.95

Now that's what I'm talking about!!!!  A bottle that looks exactly like the product that comes out onto your nails!! Excitement Plus!!

This polish comes from the piCture pOlish "metallics" range and it's definitely metallic! It's lovely tones of silver that definitely shines in the sunlight and it's a bit like a glitter as it goes on - there are little particles of silver but unlike a glitter you don't need a coloured coat underneath. This is perfect just as it is.

It's not a smooth polish but a few coats of a top coat will sort that out and make it totally smooth and still as shiny as it was without.

I'll give a word of warning though - this polish comes out of the bottle thick. I got excited first try and thought I could get away with it looking fantastic with one single coat. Lesson learnt. Little is more with this polish. I had to really make sure there wasn't much polish on the brush for each coat or it just wouldn't dry - even with a top coat of quick dry ... so go for tiny amounts to build it up! It's worth it!

** Final Verdict **
I love this polish. It's everything that a silver should be - bright, shiny and in your face! There is nothing dull about this colour and even on a cold and overcast day like today it doesn't take much to still shine and improve your mood. This is definitely going in the favourites box!


  1. That looks lovely. I haven't seen many of the picture polishes swatched yet, but I really like that!

  2. I'll definitely be buying more from this metallic range to see if they're all like this :)


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